
Fat Thursday

Fat Thursday in 2024?

Fat Thursday begins the last week of Carnival and falls on the last Thursday before Lent. The date is, therefore, dependent on Easter. This year it is 08.02.2024.


Fat Thursday at Verte - 08.02.2024

Are you looking for delicious doughnuts to treat your family or co-workers with on Fat Thursday? Visit Verte!

For all those who can’t imagine Fat Thursday without the perfect treats, our pastry chefs have prepared three selections of doughnuts. You can order via e-mail, our online store or the contact form.


Flavor versions:
W-Z Cherry / Chocolate / Vanilla

Khalamanshi / Pistachio / Limoncello

Chocolate / Caramel / Vanilla


14 PLN / 1 doughnut


Order terms:
We accept orders for at least six doughnuts or multiples of 6 (6, 12, 18).

Please submit orders by 5.02.2024.

Doughnuts can be picked up at our KUK Restaurant on 8.02.2024 from 7 AM to 6 PM.

It is possible to deliver doughnuts to you in the Warsaw area. Please get in touch with us at pawilon@hotelverte.com.




Online Store:
Click and buy donuts in our store



Why do we eat doughnuts on Fat Thursday?

Centuries ago, Fat Thursday was a holiday celebrating the departure of winter and the arrival of spring. Typically, people feasted on this day, eating fatty foods, especially meat, and drinking wine. A great delicacy was doughnuts prepared from bread dough and stuffed with lard. The custom of eating sweet doughnuts appeared around the 16th century. They had a nut or almond hidden inside; anyone who found such a surprise in a doughnut could count on good luck, prosperity and good fortune.